Frank Torre appointed to serve on the prestigious Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board.
Governor Jennifer M. Granholm appointed Frank Torre to serve on the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board to represent the general public in 2005. Spanning two Administrations, including the Granholm and Snyder Administration, Mr.Torre, as part of a 5 member Board of Directors, has helped promote the Fund’s initiative to help create vibrant communities and enhance the quality of life for our residents
Frank Torre is a Michigan entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist and currently serves as the Co-CEO of Signal Restoration Services, a large-scale national disaster restoration services company, and is the Vice Chairman of PuroClean, a national disaster restoration services company with locations across the United States and Canada.
To date, the MNRTF’s projects have funded the development and expansion of multiple parks and public greenspaces, as well as spearhead a number of initiatives to “help protect our state’s pristine beaches, forests and wetlands.”
Since its inception in 1976, the MNRTF has awarded over $1 billion in grants to local governments and state agencies throughout all 83 counties.
Nationally, the MNRTF’s ability to create “a level of partnership between local units of government and the state.” is recognized as a model for such partnerships.