As one of our nation’s premier providers of physical medicine and rehabilitation, the Detroit Medical Center’s frank main dmcRehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM) has been helping people rebuild their lives after a serious injury or illness for more than 60 years.  At a recent event, DMC Heals, Mathew Sanford spoke with Frank Torre about the role rehabilitation and physical medicine played in his life.

As the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, part of the Detroit Medical Center, Frank Torre took a personal interest in Mathew’s story.






Mathew Sanford has recently published a book about how he was paralyzed from the chest down after a pivotal event which set Matt on a lifelong journey following which he emerges with an entirely new view of being a “whole” person.  The book, titled Waking, delivers a powerful message about the endurance of the human spirit and of the body that houses it.





In 2010, the DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan named Frank Torre as the Chairman of the Detroit Medical Center’s Board of Directors, for DMC’s Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM).

Frank Torre succeeded Frank D. Stella who has served on RIM’s board for over 10 years.  Previously the president and CEO of Torre & Bruglio, Inc, Inc., a Michigan based company, Frank Torre currently serves as CEO of Signal Restoration Services, and joined RIM’s board in 2001 as the Chairman of RIM’s Fund Development Committee.

At the event, Frank Torre toured the DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan’s facilities with Matthew Sanford who shared his experiences and demonstrated the benefits of yoga to disabled and non-disabled students at DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan.

When asked about the event at a later interview, Mathew Sanford stated that Frank Torre’s passion and energy where contagious and he believes that with Frank Torre’s guidance, the DMC will continue RIM’s legacy of cutting-edge treatment techniques complemented by innovative research and personalized medical care.